You can meet a noble's needs for a room by assigning a relevant room to the noble, and meet the need for furniture by installing the furniture into any of the rooms the noble owns.
#Dwarf fortress nobles room plus
When a dwarf is selected hit Template:K to appoint that dwarf as the noble for the position, or Template:K to cancel.Ī requirement is a need(s) for certain types of rooms ( bedrooms, dining rooms, offices and tombs) of a minimum level of room quality, plus certain amounts of various types of furniture. When a dwarf is highlighted his/her experience at the skills relevant to the position will be listed. When appointing or replacing a noble you are presented with a list of all your eligible adult dwarves (scroll with Template:K and Template:K), with the most qualified for the position list at the top. If you, the player, can change who fills a position, the Template:DFtext at the bottom of the screen will be Template:DFtext instead of Template:DFtext, and you can replace the filled position with Template:K. You can scroll through the list with Template:K and Template:K, then press Template:K to appoint a dwarf for a position which is Template:DFtext, or for filled positions see the dwarf who fills that position. Note that if one dwarf holds multiple positions that the sum total of all their requirements/demands/mandates will be listed under ever position they hold. If there is no requirement/demand for that position it will be in Template:DFtext, if there is one that's not met it will be in Template:DFtext, and if there is one which is met is will be in Template:DFtext the colors for mandates are different and will be dealt with in its own section. For non Template:DFtext positions the right-hand column will shows Template:DFtext, Template:DFtext and Template:DFtext. You can list nobles via the "nobles and administrators screen" ( Template:K). How nobles work Listing, appointing and replacing nobles/administrators 1.1 Listing, appointing and replacing nobles/administrators.